Photo: Andy Harwood

The Nelson Trust gallery

In November-December 2019 Look Again ran an 8-week face to face mindful photography course for 8 people being supported by the Nelson Trust, and two volunteer assistants who were previous Nelson Trust clients. The first slideshow documents the course process: learning to see, walking along the canal and getting out into nature as much as the weather allowed, as well as inspiring each other and selecting the six photos each to exhibit. See here for more information about the Nelson Trust.

Here is feedback from participants transcribed from an audio recording:

“It was an amazing break for me. I’m so pleased to have it because it was a break in my chaotic life and just to slow down and see the small things. It was very calming, being mindful of even the small things. Such a healing experience I would say.”

“It stays with you as well. I find that when I’m out, I’m like, ooh that would make a good picture.”

“It helps my attitude and helps to keep me relaxed.”

“Concentrating on the here and now, not thinking about what’s gonna happen later or what happened yesterday. You’re actually in the moment.”

“We might not know that we have any talent, but it’s about learning to see and appreciate what’s in front of me. I like it when everyone else on the course shares their photos. It make you feel less alone cos you realise your appreciation for aesthetics is not just your own. Everyone is sharing this. I’m not crazy, I’m OK.” 

“A different way of meeting people. I feel like I know people much better.” 

“I found most peoples work quite powerful. You can really see what they’ve been through.”

“It’s kinda like telling a story. Some if it is happening sub-consciously. You’re telling your story with things you see without even knowing it and it’s not until you take a look later that you see it in that way.”   


Peaches and green. A man-made scene and natural things. 

I enjoyed helping others find appreciation for their own and others work. Knowing others see something in my work has inspired me. It’s given me something to do – to look forward to and share with others.


My work is about being free and be able to see nature and learning about who I am.


Objects and textural form. 

I loved learning to look though the lens and notice objects more closely and small mindfulness exercises. I have learnt to take more interest in other people’s work. It has helped me to slow down and notice the small things in life and stay grounded.


I had pleasure to take a rest. In my massively chaotic life and simply look again once again at the world, people, myself. Come closer with the camera and melt myself down with the beauty of nature, colours… come closer to small objects, which actually became massive with huge amounts of meaning. A very healing experience.



Old hurts, future calms.

I enjoyed finding out that I could take different pictures that does not mean the same things as it looks. I have learnt more patience and to see pictures differently. It has made me feel calm at times.


Love is in the eye of the beholder.

Nice and relaxing. I got to know my life.


Light at the end of this tunnel

Climb the mountain to reach

My pot of gold 

Let’s celebrate this life with water that’s

Not tasteless to me anymore

I have made it interesting 
